Eye Witness: Stories from the West Bank & Israel
Tramore resident Lesley O’Connor has returned from spending three months on the West Bank as a Human Rights Monitor. While there she lived in South Hebron Hills and worked as part of an international team supporting local communities and peacemakers.
Ardkeen Library are delighted to welcome Leslie for a talk, and questions and answers session on her experiences on Tuesday 24 April at 6:30pm. Leslie participated in the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel. The Programme was set up in 2002 as a response to a request by the Christian Churches in Jerusalem to come and witness what was happening in the Occupied West Bank.
All are Welcome to this free event.
Booking advisable, contact jloughran@waterfordcouncil.ie or phone 0761 10 2755 for bookings and information.
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