Get Connected

Get Connected – WiFi Hotspots & Other Services Brochure

Find out where you can access free WiFi Hotspots and other Digital Connectivity Services at locations throughout Waterford City & County.

This brochure has been produced by Waterford Older People’s Council and Waterford Libraries as part of the collaborative work of the Subgroup on Digital Connectivity which aims to improve access to technology and learning for people across Waterford City and County.


Click Here to View Online or Download the Get Connected – WiFi Hotspots & Other Services Brochure

Map of WiFi Hotspots and Other Services Locations 

Digital Connectivity Training Manual

This training manual is the work of Nicola McCarthy Hanlon and is being provided free of charge to anyone who would like to learn more about using technology. If you are interested in classes, please contact any branch of Waterford Libraries or email:



Click Here to View Online or Download the Digital Connectivity Manual




© 2018 Waterford City & County Council Library Service.