Carrickphierish Library Opens

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Carrickphierish Library, the newest branch of Waterford Libraries, opened it’s doors to the public for the first time on Wednesday 10 May. The excitement was palpable, with the public anxious to see the new state of the art library and what it had to offer.

First through the door of the new library, and eager to get his hands on the wide choice of books and other items was bookworm, Ross Whelan, age 5, from Waterford City. When asked what he thought of the new library, Ross said “WOW!!”, he left Carrickphierish Library a very happy boy with several books and a few DVDs for good measure.

Executive Librarian and Branch Manager, Melanie Cunningham said:
“We will be dedicated to providing excellent and wide-ranging services to the community. Here at Carrickphierish Library we have a library service and a library building that the community can be proud of. Library users can avail of free Internet access, free WiFi, self-service printing, books, DVDs, magazines and a lot more. We have rooms available for community groups which can be booked in advance for meetings, classes etc. The building itself incorporates several innovative design features including attractive indoor and outdoor spaces that the public can use and enjoy”.

Melanie and her team would like to extend an invitation to all to come and visit Carrickphierish Library so that people can see for themselves what this fantastic new service has to offer. She promises they won’t be disappointed!

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