Court, Gaol and Police Records

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Court, Gaol and Police Records

Court Records:
Under the Petty Sessions (Ireland) Act, 1851, Ireland was divided into Petty Sessions Districts which were overseen by Justices of the Peace. A clerk was appointed to each district to record the cases heard by the Justices of the Peace. The Petty Sessions Courts heard minor criminal cases and also determined whether more serious cases could go forward to the Quarter Sessions or Assizes to be tried. The records of the Petty Sessions Court are held by the National Archives of Ireland.

The records of the Petty Sessions Court for Waterford City 1851-1921 are also available from Central Library, Waterford on microfilm.

Details of the microfilms held are available here.

Gaol Records:
Waterford City Gaol was built in 1727 and located in Ballybricken. The prison was enlarged in the early 1800s and rebuilt in 1861. The Gaol remained in use until it closed in 1939. The Waterford Gaol Records Registers are a detailed record of all prisoners committed to Waterford Gaol between 1842-1939. Among the details recorded are the prisoners name; address; next of kin; height; colour of hair; colour of eyes; trade; religion; offence; date of trial; date of committal and date of release.

The Registers for Waterford City Gaol are available on microfilm from Waterford Central Library.

Details of the microfilms held are available here.

Police Records:
The Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC) were the police force in Ireland from 1816 until they were disbanded on 31st August 1922. The General Register of RIC men dates from 1816 to 1922 and records details of the men who joined the RIC and the districts that they served in. The Registers are held by the National Archives, UK.

The Registers of Service and Officer’s Registers were microfilmed by the Church of the Latter Day Saints and are available to view at the Central Library in Waterford.

Details of the microfilms are available here.

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