Climate Worrier comes to Waterford

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Colm O’Regan, broadcaster, comedian and author of ‘Climate Worrier, A Hypocrite’s Guide to Saving the Planet’ will bring his unique blend of comedy and climate action to Waterford’s Cultural Quarter on Friday, October 27th at 8pm, as part of the Imagine Arts Festival.

Caution may be his watchword and risk aversion his love language, but now Colm is grappling with the biggest worry of all: the whole ‘planet being on fire’ thing and how exactly we can help.

Colm will delve into trying to be part of the solution to the big issues, “while not despairing at the endless hypocrisies that come from also being part of the problem. It’s about trying to be become the greenest version of yourself!”

So, if you lay awake at night fretting about using your diesel car to get closer to nature, eating your ethical food off a plastic plate, or existing and have a general feeling we’re all doing too little, too late, this gig is for you.

Colm will be supported by Waterford stand-up Alan McGuire (Juvenalia podcast) and MC Grainne Kennedy, Waterford City and County Council’s Climate Action Coordinator.

Grainne Kennedy is looking forward to Colm’s take on all things environment. “Colm brings a fresh and humorous perspective to how we all can make those little changes that make a big difference.

“Colm holds up a mirror to us all, we all have the same concerns…am I doing enough, could I be doing more, and where do I start? Colm’s style and manner is so easy-going and relatable, and yet his show contains lots of comical anecdotal advice on changes we can make to be part of the solution.”

Grainne added, “Waterford City and County Council wanted to start a conversation on Climate Action in an innovative and engaging way. Throughout November there will be many discussions around the future we want to shape, as the Council presents its plans for consultation detailing what can be done to reduce emissions in the county.”

To reserve your free ticket visit:

This free event is organised by Waterford City and County Council’s Climate Action Team, Waterford Libraries, Europe Direct Waterford and supported by Creative Waterford.

Date: Friday 27 October at 8pm
Venue: WCQ Place – Community and Cultural Hub, 17 O’Connell Street, Waterford (X91 RCV4)

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