Creative Ireland – Creative Waterford

The Creative Ireland Programme is a culture-based wellbeing initiative which is guided by a vision that every person in Ireland will have the opportunity to realise their full creative potential. It is a five year, all-of-Government Programme, from 2017 to 2022, to place creativity at the centre of public policy, built around five pillars:

  • Children and Youth – Enabling the Creative Potential of Every Child
  • Creative Communities – Enabling Creativity in Every Community
  • Cultural Investment – Investing in our Creative and Cultural Infrastructure
  • Creative Industries – Ireland as a Centre of Creative Excellence
  • Global Reputation – A Creative and Cultural Nation

Further information on Creative Ireland is available at or on Facebook and Twitter @creativeirl.

Find out more about Waterford’s Culture and Creative Strategy:

Waterford Culture and Creative Strategy 2018 – 2022.

Local Authorities launch 31 Culture and Creativity Strategies set to foster vibrant creative communities nationwide.

An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar TD., joined by Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Josepha Madigan TD., and Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government Eoghan Murphy TD., launched 31 Local Authority Culture and Creativity Strategies 2018 – 2022, as part of the all-of-government Creative Ireland Programme on Wednesday 12 September, 2018.

These ambitious and innovative 5-year Culture and Creativity Strategies have been developed by the network of expert and passionate Culture Teams within the 31 Local Authorities, in consultation with artists, creatives, cultural and heritage organisations, community groups, the creative industries, centres of education and schools across the country. The Strategies embody both the spirit and practice of collaboration and shared purpose, which is at the heart of the Creative Ireland Programme. They aim to provide meaningful opportunities for citizens and local communities, together with our Local Authorities, to build, nurture and sustain our creative society.

Each Culture and Creativity Strategy sets out the vision, values and strategic priorities of each County and City Council inspired and informed by the Creative Ireland Programme. Each of the 31 Local Authority Culture and Creativity Strategies are available to download at

Find out what Waterford has in store: Waterford Culture and Creative Strategy 2018 – 2022.

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