Decies No. 9 (IX)

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(Waterford; Waterford Archaeological and Historical Society, 1978)


  • Subscription and Membership of O.W.S., Editorial
  • Vanishing Waterford (A Record of recent destruction and present threat) – illustrated by Ian W.J. Lumley
  • Piracy off Tramore Bay, 1546 – Julian C. Walton
  • Ice-floes threaten “Timbertoes”, January, 1881 – Ted O’Regan
  • Richard Boyle’s Ironworks in County Waterford, Part II (cont.) – Thomas Power
  • The Royal Silver Mines of Bannow – “Decie”
  • The Palliser Chronicles, Part I – Roz Cowman
  • Notes on a forgotten County Waterford Religious House – Thomas Power
  • The Fenian Landing at Helvic, 1867 – illustrated by Sylvester Murray
  • 1978-’79 Lecutre Programme of O.W.S.

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