Digitising our Local Heritage: Europeana in Focus

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Waterford Libraries and Europe Direct Waterford in partnership with Waterford Archives, the Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) and Europeana are delighted to organise a free webinar Digitising our Local Heritage: Europeana in focus on Tuesday 20 April from 10am – 11am.

Europeana works with thousands of European archives, libraries and museums to share cultural heritage for enjoyment, education and research. The Europeana website gives access to millions of books, music, artworks and more – with sophisticated search and filter tools to help researchers find what they are looking for with many features such as online exhibitions, galleries and blogs to inform and inspire anyone with an interest in history and cultural heritage.

Join our expert panel and find out more about Europeana and how to use it, learn how Europeana empowers the cultural heritage sector in its digital transformation how you or your organisation can get involved.

Expert Panel:

  • Adrian Murphy, Collection Engagement, Europeana Collections Manager Europeana Foundation
  • Killian Downing, Europeana Members Council Member, Archivist Dublin City University
  • Dr. Kathryn Cassidy, technical team at the Digital Repository of Ireland
  • Joanne Rothwell, Waterford City and County Archivist (Chair)

This webinar is open to the general public, teachers, educators, librarians, archivists, local authorities, cultural and heritage organisations.


Book your free place at:



It will be followed by networking session for museums and archives and other repository holders in the county and region. Email: sohiggins@waterfordcouncil.ie for information on how to join this 30 minute networking session directly after the work shop at 11:05am.


Europe Direct Waterford which is run from Central Library in Waterford City is one of a network of local contact points that serve as a direct link between citizens and the EU Institutions. Europe Direct Waterford aims to show people and organisations how the EU is relevant in their lives, offer information and to facilitate connections.

Europeana is an initiative of the European Union, financed by the European Union’s Connecting Europe Facility and European Union Member States.


Adrian Murphy has worked at Europeana for five years, where he is working in partnership with pan-European cultural heritage institution consortia to develop ways to engage audiences across Europe with the Europeana initiative. He works on participatory campaigns, audience communities and editorial strategies, as well as curating and writing editorial features such as blogs, galleries and exhibitions.

Prior to Europeana, he was the Digital Manager at south London’s Horniman Museum and Gardens where he led on digital strategy, website and social media activities. Adrian is from Cork, and studied at UCC.


Killian Downing is an Archivist at Dublin City University, with experience in collections management, digital preservation, and digital cultural heritage. He has previously worked in the National Archives of Ireland, National Gallery of Ireland, and the National University of Ireland, Galway.

Working with Europeana, Killian is the Chair of the New Professionals Task Force, working to better support young, new, and early career professionals in and around Europeana. He is also the co-Chair of the Europeana Communicators Community and a member of the Climate Action Group, Governance Working Group, and Inclusivity and Diversity Group.


Dr. Kathryn Cassidy is a member of the technical team at the Digital Repository of Ireland, responsible for developing the DRI’s Trustworthy Digital Repository Infrastructure. She is PI for the project “Archiving Reproductive Health” which focuses on archiving Social Media and novel web-based content produced by grassroots campaigners in the run-up to the 2018 referendum in Ireland. She also leads the DRI’s activities as a Europeana National Aggregator, working with Cultural Heritage Institutes across Ireland to help them prepare their data to be submitted to the Europeana collections platform.


Joanne Rothwell (BA, H.Dip Archival Studies) was appointed Waterford County Archivist in October 1998 and since the merger of Waterford City and County Councils in 2014 is currently the Waterford City and County Archivist. She served as Training Officer with the Society of Archivists, Ireland (now Archives and Records Association, Ireland) 2001-2004 and was involved in organising conferences on records management, electronic records and legislation and litigation. She served as Chairperson of the Local Authority Archivists Group 2001-2009. She served as part of the working group on the production of a National Retention Policy for Local Authority Records in Ireland which was issued by the LGMA in 2002 and is currently serving on the working group revising the National Retention Policy for Local Authority Records in Ireland. She was a member of National Archives Advisory Council (2013-2016). She is currently chair of the Irish Archives Resource www.iar.ie an online portal to archival collection descriptions


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