‘Céad Míle Fáilte’ Art Project with Waterford Libraries

November 26, 2021 to November 26, 2021 11:00 AM

Mary Carbery, Right to Read Co –Ordinator for Waterford City and County Libraries will facilitate a webinar on Friday November 26th at 11am with NALA, the National Adult Literacy Agency, as part of their Family Learning series for adult literacy, numeracy and digital literacy tutors.

Mary, a Librarian in Carrickphierish Library, Waterford will present with Waterford artist Sean Corcoran on Waterford Library’s 2019 & 2020 project bringing art workshops to branch libraries around Waterford County, celebrating migrant families in Ireland.

Meet the artist and author behind the ‘Céad Míle Fáilte’ book and workshops, who will share the techniques and tools used to facilitate the workshops and put together the completed book project recording the families’ work.

To register for this webinar please visit https://www.nala.ie/support-us/cead-mile-failte-art-project/



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