Leonard and Hungry Paul
by Ronan Hession is our May Facebook Book Club choice.
Discuss online! Tuesday May 18th at 8pm.
In this startling debut, Ronan Hession tells the story of two thirty-something men who who take care of their parents and play board games together. Who like to read. Who take satisfaction in their work. Who are resolutely kind.
Leonard and Hungry Paul is the story of two friends trying to find their place in the world. It is about the uncelebrated people of this world. And it asks a surprisingly enthralling question: Can kind people change the world?
Available to read now on our BorrowBox app as an ebook or audiobook.
Please download the book in ebook or audiobook format on your Borrowbox app as soon as you can, and renew as you go, to make sure you get a copy this month!
This month we’re meeting to discuss ‘Leonard and Hungry Paul’ on Zoom at 8pm on May 18th. Please register for your spot at https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/waterford-library-book-club-leonard-and-hungry-paul-tickets-152597267535
If you need help downloading Borrowbox, downloading a copy of ‘Leonard and Hungry Paul’ on Borrowbox or using Zoom, please get in touch – email Laughney@Waterfordcouncil.ie
Join the Facebook Book Group for book chats – Visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/942366012849699 to join.
…#KeepWell #LibraryBookClub
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