Giving your Garden back to Nature – A Talk by Mary Reynolds

February 22, 2021 7:00pm - 8:00pm

Giving your Garden back to Nature – A Talk by Mary Reynolds
Monday 22 February 7pm – 8pm

After a long career as a landscape designer, Mary Reynolds realised one day that she had to stop what she was doing and step up and ask people to give their gardens back to nature. The more biodiversity you can establish in your patch of earth, the more complex a food web that is restored; the less biodiversity, the weaker an ecosystem. No need to plant anything unless soil is damaged or destroyed. Every square foot of healthy soil hides about 5000 seeds. We just need to encourage and allow them to emerge from the soil, and then slowly guide the system into as diverse a habitat as possible from woodland and native shrubby thickets down to meadow.

Change the way you think as a gardener. Wake up and become a guardian. Stop fighting nature and go against the controlling instinct and instead encourage those weeds, encourage untidiness, encourage life to return.


Mary Reynolds is a Chelsea Gold medal winning Irish landscape designer, bestselling author and  nature activist. The writer and director Vivienne De Courcy made a movie, “Dare to be Wild (2016), about one of Mary’s adventures. Mary is a proud patron of Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland (WRI) and strives to do as much as she can to re-educate people how to live in harmony with nature in their own patch of land.

This event is part of the Biodiversity on Your Doorstep – Learning from Nature series of free online events presented by Europe Direct, Waterford, Waterford Libraries and Waterford City & County Council Environmental Department. 

© 2018 Waterford City & County Council Library Service.