Late Vocation – Noel Walsh Photography Exhibition

June 18, 2018 to July 14, 2018

Late VocationLate Vocation – Photography Exhibition by Noel Walsh
Index Gallery, Waterford Central Library
Monday 18 June to Saturday 14 July 2018

Photography for Noel Walsh became a Late Vocation for him when he took it up approximately six years ago. His love for photography started on a weekend trip to the Burren, Co. Clare with only a cheap second hand camera. Since then, he has taught himself and picked up tips and advice from friends on the art of photography. He mostly does landscape photography but has also done street and travel photography following some foreign trips.

This is his first solo exhibition and it will run  in the Index Gallery, Central Library until Saturday 14 July.

© 2018 Waterford City & County Council Library Service.