Menopause – An Introduction

November 3, 2021 to November 3, 2021 1:00 PM

An introduction to the menopause with Menopause Coach (@Wellness, Catherine O’Keeffe

Free lunchtime webinar on Wed. 3rd Nov. at 1pm
To register for free, please click here.

This 60 minute introduction to menopause is aimed at men and women to educate on all aspects of menopause and ensure a greater understanding by all of this inevitable life stage.

Session Overview:
• What is Menopause? An outline of Perimenopause and Menopause, and what to expect.
• What are the Symptoms of Menopause – the common and the lesser known ones.
• Treatment Options in menopause
• The 6 M’s – the essential aspects to be aware of both in work and at home
• The session completes with a 15 minute interactive Q&A

Catherine O’Keeffe ( is Ireland’s first menopause coach and an international corporate speaker.

A regular contributor to global websites and a professional speaker at health events throughout Ireland, the UK and the US.

A former financial services director, Catherine regularly works with corporate clients on menopause support in the workplace. Catherine also has a private practise where she works 1:1 with women through menopause. She is a regular guest at events throughout Ireland and holds menopause events all over the country to discuss all things menopause.

Catherine has regularly featured in the media and on radio.

Catherine is founder of the Menopause Success Summit, Ireland’s first virtual menopause summit which was held in September 2021.

Catherine is an affiliated member of the British Menopause Society and a member of the PSA (Professional Speakers Association).


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