Wonder Wander Walking Trails Launch – Waterford City and Cappoquin

April 22, 2024 to April 22, 2024

The NIAH has produced two great Architectural Conservation Area (ACA) walking trails for County Waterford, focusing on Waterford City and Cappoquin.
The aim of the Wonder Wander Walking Trails is to celebrate sense of place by exploring the rich and diverse heritage of ACAs.

As part of the project, community workshops and drop-in information sessions were held to facilitate discussion, storytelling, and interpretation. Engaging with local schools was particularly rewarding, enriching both the trail maps as well as raising public awareness of our built heritage.

The trails for Cappoquin and Waterford City will be launched on Monday April 22nd at 10am in Cappoquin Community Centre and in Central Library Waterford at 2:30pm. All are welcome!

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