Explore S.T.E.A.M at Waterford Libraries!

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Explore S.T.E.A.M at Waterford Libraries!

Waterford Libraries in partnership with the Waterford Europe Direct Information Centre are delighted to launch a new initiative exploring the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics.

As part of this new initiative a new S.T.E.A.M. Zone space on waterfordlibraries.ie has been created and will launch during December. Over the coming months, this new online space will gather together a variety of resources with a focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths and will feature monthly spotlights on related topics.

For the month of December the spotlight will be on Coding, and we are delighted to present a series of five Coding Workshops with Rob O’Connor from Dept. of Computing & Mathematics at W.I.T. and Coder Dojo Mentor. The coding workshops are available to view at anytime on the STEAM Zone space, www.waterfordlibraries.ie/steam-zone, throughout the month. The videos feature topics including Hour of Code activities and an introduction to coding with Scratch.

Another highlight of this new initiative is the Build Waterford Project, which will launch on Friday 11th December 2020 and will run until Friday 15th January 2021. This exciting new project aims to showcase and celebrate our local areas and encourage young people to explore their creative, engineering and design skills.

To get involved in the project, we are asking young people to re-create their favourite Waterford Location, Landmark or Locality using Recycled Materials, Lego, modelling Clay or any other materials that they can think of. They can even build digitally using Minecraft! Then send a photograph of the finished creation along with a short description, and the reason for choosing to build it to us by email at: lboyle@waterfordcouncil.ie

A selection of entries received will be featured in a specially commissioned video, on our social media channels and on our website as an online exhibition in the new S.T.E.A.M. Zone area on waterfordlibraries.ie during February 2021.

The Build Waterford Project is open to ages 18 and under – parental permission must be included with all entries.

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