Home Energy Saving Kits – Now Available to Borrow

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Save energy in your home and save money on your energy bills with the Home Energy Saving Kit, now available to borrow from three of our library branches!

With five easy-to-use tools and six practical exercises, this kit allows you to get a better understanding of the energy usage in your home, problem areas that may need your attention and ways to improve energy efficiency.

The items in each toolkit address three key areas of energy use in the home – space heating, hot water and electricity consumption – and can help identify common problems such as lack of insulation, poor ventilation and the appliances in the home that might be driving up electricity bills.

The kit is also accompanied by a step-by-step user manual and helpful online videos which easily explain how to use each tool correctly.

You can borrow the Energy Saving Kit from our Libraries at Ardkeen, Central Library and Dungarvan for a duration of 2 weeks in order to conduct a mini home energy audit.

Contact Ardkeen Library, Central Library or Dungarvan Library to check availability.

  • Ardkeen Library
    051 849755
  • Central Library Waterford
    051 849975
  • Dungarvan Library
    058 21141

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