Human Library Coffee Morning

Healthy Ireland at your LibraryOnline EventComments Off on Human Library Coffee Morning

Join us for a virtual Human Library Coffee Morning.

On Friday 15th October.

From 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM .

Online and all Welcome.

To register, please click here.

World Mental Health Month takes place this October with World Mental Health Day on Sunday October 10th. The goal of World Mental Health Day is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health. This year’s theme is ‘Mental Health in an Unequal World’, and you are invited to join Mental Health Ireland and Waterford Libraries to join in a virtual Human Library Coffee Morning on Friday 15th October at 11am-12pm to explore this topic more.

A human library is where people are on loan to readers rather than books to share their story and start safe conversations about their lives. The aim is to challenge preconceptions of mental health by sharing unique stories to show that no chapter is the same and to encourage people to ‘un-judge’ a book by its cover and read between the lines. We are inviting you to hear the Human Library stories shared by our remarkable contributors and together we can champion diversity and equality in our own world and beyond.

For more information take a look here World Mental Health Day 2021 – Mental Health Ireland and be sure to book your place here on eventbrite.

#WMHD2021 #HealthyIrelandatYourLibrary #WorldMentalHealthMonth #mentalhealth #HumanLibrary #HealthyWaterford #BeWell

This event is part of the Waterford Healthy Ireland at your Library initiative. For more information, please go to our website, here.

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