Information Session on The Birth (Information & Tracing) Act 2022 – Central Library

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Waterford Libraries welcomes Claire McGetterick from The Clann Project to Central Library on Friday 4th November at 2pm (this session will be in person and on Zoom) to discuss affected people’s entitlements under the new legislation and how to navigate the system in an informed way.

The Birth (Information and Tracing) Act 2022 was signed into law on 30th June 2022. This is the first time that the Irish State has legislated to provide information rights to adopted people.
Affected people and their advocates have concerns and queries about the new legislation and how to access records.

Information will also be provided on the resources and peer supports that are available through the Clann Project, Adoption Rights Alliance and Justice for Magdalenes Research.

Register online to attend in person or for Zoom link at Eventbrite

For further information please contact Central Library on 051 849975 or email

Info Session | 2pm Friday 4th November | Central Library Waterford

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