Irish Water Resources Plan

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The National Water Resources Plan is Irish Water’s plan to identify how to provide a sustainable, secure and reliable water supply into the future whilst safeguarding the environment.

Irish Water is now inviting feedback on the NWRP draft Framework Plan and associated SEA Environmental Report and Natura Impact Statement (NIS).

A ten-week statutory public consultation will run from Tuesday 8 December 2020 to Tuesday 16 February 2021 during which time the NWRP draft Framework Plan and associated environmental reports can be viewed and downloaded at and in Waterford, at Carrickphierish Library during library open hours.

If you would like to make a submission, please send it by email or post by Tuesday 16th of February 2021.
Post: National Water Resources Plan, Irish Water, P.O. Box 13216, Glenagery, Co. Dublin
Freephone: 1800 46 36 76
For more information see

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