Ports, Past and Present – Online Talk

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Join us for Irish Sea Crossings and Irish Sea Stories, two exciting talks presented in partnership with the Ports Past and Present Project by Prof Claire Connolly and Dr James Smith. These talks will investigate the Irish Sea and its place in the shared Irish and British imagination. Ports, Past and Present, funded by the European Regional Development Fund via the Ireland Wales Co-operation Programme, revisits the cultural heritage of the Irish Sea’s crossings and finds new ways of telling Irish Sea stories.

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Professor Claire Connolly is the Project Lead for Ports, Past and Present. She is Professor of Modern English at University College Cork, Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales and a Member of the Royal Irish Academy. She teaches and researches Irish literature, and is currently writing a book on Irish romanticism for Cambridge University Press.


Dr James Louis Smith is Postdoctoral Research Fellow for the project at University College Cork. His work is focuses on water history, digital storytelling and mapping. His first book was on water in medieval intellectual culture, and his recent postdoctoral work focused on the pilgrim site of Lough Derg in Ireland’s County Donegal.

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