“Raising Intuitive Eaters” Free Webinar with Jenny McNulty

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Free Zoom webinar on ‘Raising Intuitive Eaters’ with Paediatric Dietitian, Jenny McNulty

When you are eating with your child, do you notice when your child decides when they have enough to eat? How do you react? Do you encourage your child to eat more? If your child eats when they are hungry and stops eating when they feel full, this is called intuitive eating. Their brain is in tune with their tongue and stomach. They recognise what foods they enjoy and rely on internal hunger and satiety cues to determine when and how much they eat.

Feeding on demand, identifying the cues, and trusting your child’s ability to recognise hunger and satiety are the key steps to retain intuitive eating.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if your child could retain the skills to eat intuitively? Join us on Saturday 22nd October at 11am where Paediatric Dietitian Jenny McNulty will delve further into Raising Intuitive Eaters.

Jenny McNulty is a CORU registered Senior Paediatric Dietitian currently based in Children’s Health Ireland at Temple Street.

Places are strictly limited. The webinar format means that your screen is not on so you can relax from wherever you join from! Questions are submitted via the chat box or on discussion at the end.

Register for free here: Raising Intuitive Eaters

This webinar is part of the Waterford Healthy Ireland at your Library initiative. For more information, please go to our website at https://waterfordlibraries.ie/healthy-ireland-library/

For more information, please phone 058 21141 or email library@waterfordcouncil.ie

#HealthyIrelandatYourLibrary #HealthyWaterford #KeepWell #EatWell

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