Read Your Way Challenge

Read Your Way ChallengeSchools ServiceComments Off on Read Your Way Challenge

The Read Your Way Challenge is a literacy challenge for all first and second year students in Waterford, held in partnership with Waterford Libraries and the Waterford PLICS Network.  The challenge will encourage students to increase their reading using traditional books and/or other reading materials of their choice.

The Read Your Way Challenge will run from Monday February 28 until Friday April 8.

As part of the Programme, there will be an in-person event with fantasy author Dave Rudden in Carrickphierish Library on Tuesday April 5th.

To start your class on their reading journey you can request sets of class novels from the Schools Service in Carrickphierish Library 051 849696 or by emailing:

Students can also read their own materials or borrow from any branch of Waterford Libraries where membership is free.

There is a huge range of online resources including ebooks, eaudiobooks and digital magazines available as part of the membership.

Students are encouraged to record their reading during this period. Find reading logs, membership forms and more reading resources for your class at the St Pauls Community College padlet at:


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