Reading for Fun – SETU Waterford Research Project

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Do you have a 9 to 11 year old who likes to read for fun?

Researchers in South East Technological University (SETU) Waterford are working on a project that explores how books that we read for fun (not books that we have to read for other things like homework), can have an effect on who we are as people.

The project involves children aged 9 – 11 taking part answering a questionnaire about their favourite book and what they think about reading.

You can pick up a copy of the questionnaire for your child in branches of Waterford Libraries at Central Library, Carrickphierish or Ardkeen or download a copy through the project website –

When it’s completed, you can drop it back to your local library and library staff will present your child with a certificate of participation!

Anyone between the ages of 9-11, and who likes to read for fun are invited to take part!

Parents and guardians can find out further information on the project website.

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