Sensory Garden Launched in Carrickphierish Library

Carrickphierish LibrarySensory GardenComments Off on Sensory Garden Launched in Carrickphierish Library

 Photo: John Power

Waterford Libraries were thrilled to open a new Sensory Garden recently in Carrickphierish Library with Waterford Council Metropolitan Mayor Cllr. Jason Murphy officially opening the new outdoor terrace, an accessible green space that is welcoming and engaging for people of all ages and abilities to enjoy.

Sensory Gardens provide a non‐threatening environment to encourage communication and social skills, increase self esteem, stimulate sensory awareness, enhance creativity and reduce stress & frustration. They are a form of therapy in the care of people with Dementia & Alzheimer’s and can be of benefit to members of our older community by allowing them a space to relax and meditate.

Sensory gardens have also been shown to generate countless benefits to users with Intellectual Disability, Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, Anxiety, and Depression.

The garden has been developed to encompass a variety of needs and encourage interaction with the environment whilst also promoting use of the overall library service. An inclusive range of events and programming is in development to establish the garden as as an asset to the community with obvious health benefits.

The overarching intention of the garden is to offer a feeling of serenity, security, autonomy, and restoration. To ensure everyone is catered for and most importantly, like our libraries themselves- to always welcome everyone regardless of age or ability.

For more information about the new Sensory Garden, please contact Carrickphierish Library on 051 849696.

This project was supported by funds from the Dormant Accounts Fund.

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