Summer Stars is back for Summer 2021!

Children's EventsChildren's ReadingSummer StarsComments Off on Summer Stars is back for Summer 2021!

Summer Stars is back for Summer 2021!

Summer Stars is the public library national summer reading programme for children that runs from the 14th of June until the  31st of August 2021.

All children throughout the country are invited to join the adventure and to enjoy the fun and pleasure of reading and writing over the summer. Summer Stars is non-competitive and every child who reads even one book is regarded as having completed the programme – and it’s all completely free!

The Summer Stars Reading Challenge is free to access in our library branches and on our website and features storytime videos, quizzes and activities that will motivate children to take part in reading-related hobbies over the summer.


Reading Card
Reading cards, available in both English and Irish, are available from your local library from the week of June 14th – please ask library staff for a Reading Card on your next family visit.
Children can record books they have read on their Reading Card and return it to the library when full. All children who return their reading card to their local library by August 31st will receive a Summer Stars medal and achievement certificate in September 2021.

Physical books, comics or graphic novels, eBooks and audiobooks can all be included on your child’s Reading Card.


Summer Stars Events
While most of our Summer Stars events will take place online this summer, we would love to be able to plan some outdoor events later in the summer as health and safety regulations allow – watch this space! Watch storytime, craft and book review videos online at our Waterford Library Facebook page and Waterford Libraries YouTube page:


Story Competition
Enter the national Story Competition online at! This year you are being asked to write a story with the opening line: “Of all the places in the world, I never thought I would be here…”

Prizes for winners, and runner ups will be awarded in three age groups and children aged 6 to 18 can enter.

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