Terms & Conditions – Seen & Celebrated Photography Competition

“Seen and Celebrated” Photography Competition

Terms and Conditions


Competition Rules:

This competition is open to professional and amateur photographers.

All entries should respond to one of the following competition themes:

• Contributing to my community through work or volunteering.
• Old and proud
• Friends and family
• Taking part
• Self Portraits (including selfies)

You are welcome to submit more than one photo into one or several themes. On the submission form, you will be asked to explain the story behind each photo and what theme it corresponds to. The form will allow you to submit three photos. If you are submitting more than three photos you will have to fill in multiple forms.


All entrants should:

• be 18 years old or be older, or have permission from a parent/guardian to enter this competition if under 18 years old.
• have a connection to Waterford. One of the people in the photograph needs to be living or working in Waterford. The photograph does not have to be taken within Waterford.
• be the sole owner of copyright in all photographs entered. If you are the photographer and have taken the photograph yourself, you will have sole copyright.
• have obtained permission to submit your photograph and have it published from anyone featured in it or if the image was taken on private property e.g. someone’s home or features identifiable individuals outside.
• not have breached any laws or Covid restrictions when taking their photographs

Photographers can submit an existing photograph taken before COVID-19 lockdown restrictions were put in place. Photographers will need to ensure they have the necessary permissions to submit existing and new photographs to this competition.

We have included a Self Portrait category so photographers can submit a self-portrait image or selfie, taking into consideration people who are self-isolating. If photographers choose to take a new photograph to submit to the competition, then please remember to socially distance (2metres) when taking photos.

How to submit entries:

• Entries should be uploaded to our online entry form at: https://bit.ly/Seen-Celebrated-Photography-Competition. The competition opens on the 15th of February 2021 and closes at 6 pm on the 19th of March 2021.

• As part of your submission, you will be asked for your contact details and to describe how your entry meets your chosen competition theme.

• Please submit only one image per theme.

• Please submit entries that are of a high enough quality for printing, saved as a JPG, PNG or TIFF file format with a maximum file size of 15 megabytes (most photos taken with a smartphone meet this requirement and you can check in your settings).

• If you are unable to submit your photograph online, please call us on 0761 10 2755 to discuss your individual requirements.


Selection and Judging:

All photographs will be judged on the following artistic criteria:

• Creative exploration of the chosen theme
• Originality

Longlist Entries will be longlisted by a panel of judges made up of:
Jane Cantwell, County Librarian and Head of Cultural Services, Waterford City and County Council
Susan O’Connor, Chairperson, Waterford Older People’s Council
Ed Guiry, Photographer.

Shortlist: Images will be shortlisted from each competition theme by a panel of guest judges.

The longlisted images will feature in our online exhibition, will feature in an Extraordinary Waterford mobile exhibition, and will also be turned into a calendar for 2022, which will be used to promote Waterford’s Positive Ageing campaign.


From the shortlist, the panel of judges will select a winning image from each theme.

First prize: €250 One4All Voucher
First runner up: €150 One4All Voucher
Second runner up: €100 One4All Voucher
And a further €50 One4All Voucher to the top photograph in each theme.


General Rules:
• Entrants should not give permission for any photographs they submit, to be used to publicise or promote companies, individuals, organisations or causes, other than this competition until the 1st January 2022.
• The Waterford Older People’s Council reserves the right to cancel this competition or alter any of the rules at any stage, if deemed necessary in its opinion, and if circumstances arise outside of its control.
• If any shortlisted winners are unable to be contacted after reasonable attempts have been made, the Waterford Older People’s Council reserves the right to select another entry.
• These rules are governed by the laws of Ireland. This competition is administered by the Waterford Older People’s Council.
• The organisers of this competition fully respects your right to privacy and will not collect any personal information about you without your clear permission. Any information, which you submit via this form will be treated with the highest possible standards of security and confidentiality, strictly in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 and the various policies that adhere to General Data Protection Regulation.


How we will use your images in the future:

• Entrants will retain the copyright of the photographs that they submit. By entering the competition all entrants grant to the Waterford Older People’s Council, Waterford City and County Council, Healthy Waterford and their partners a license to publish and exhibit their photographs on any media including Facebook and Twitter for a period of 5 years from 19th March 2021, for non-commercial purposes.
• We will make every effort to credit photographers, including in printed reproductions of their work, but we cannot guarantee that every published use of the photographs will include the photographers’ names.

If you have any further questions about entering this competition or general enquiries please email library@waterfordcouncil.ie or speak to Tracy McEneaney by calling 0761 10 2755.

© 2018 Waterford City & County Council Library Service.