Understanding Diabetes with Jenny Dunbar from Diabetes Ireland

Healthy Ireland at your LibraryOnline EventComments Off on Understanding Diabetes with Jenny Dunbar from Diabetes Ireland

Jenny Dunbar from Diabetes Ireland will give an overview of the different types of Diabetes as well as the management and causes of it in this free Zoom Webinar on

Friday 21st May at 11:00 AM.

Jenny will also advise on how best to avoid Type 2 Diabetes.

Please click here to register.

This webinar is part of the Waterford Healthy Ireland at your Library initiative. For more information, please go to our website here.

For more information, please phone 0761 102141 or email library@waterfordcouncil.ie

#HealthyIrelandatYourLibrary #HealthyWaterford #KeepWell #BeWell #EatWell

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