Valuation Books

Griffith’s Valuation:
The Primary Valuation (Griffith’s Valuation) was carried out 1847-1864. It was a survey of land and properties in order to determine their worth for the purpose of levying a tax known as ‘County Cess’ to fund local services.

Griffith’s Valuation for City and County Waterford is available online from the Ask About Ireland website.

Valuation Records:

The City and County Archive holds Valuation Records for the period after Griffiths Valuation. These are records of the payment of later rates to the local authorities.

In the case of Waterford County, the Valuation Books date from 1869-1890s with some gaps. These are available from the Archives in Dungarvan. The Valuation Books are organised by baronies and within barony by civil parish and then by townland. Provided the townland name is known, the information on the barony or civil parish will be located. You can search Waterford Places an online resource on the townlands of Waterford which will also provide resources and further information on the location searched for.

The Local Government Ireland Act, 1898 set up a new system of local government in Ireland. Instead of funding services through the cess and poor rates, services would now instead be funded by local rates. Rate Books record the payments of rates.

  • Rate Books dating from 1906 are available for Waterford City at Waterford City Archive High Street, Waterford. However, there are gaps in the records.
  • Rate Books for some electoral divisions in County Waterford date from 1906 but in many cases the earliest Rate Books for the County date from 1935.

Valuation and Rate Books record the Name of the Occupier, Name of Immediate Lessor, a brief description of the property, valuation of the property – house and land and the payment of rates. These records record only the Head of the Householder or Ratepayer and do not record any other people living in the property. Domestic rates were abolished in 1977.

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