Waterford Libraries and WIT School of Humanities Lunchtime Presentations

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Waterford Libraries and WIT School of Humanities launch bite-sized lunchtime presentations.

Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances the event for Thursday 1st April Reading other people’s letters: A workshop in transcription with the English and Theatre Studies Team from WIT is POSTPONED until a later date, we will reschedule soon. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Waterford Libraries and the English and Theatre Studies Team at the School of Humanities, WIT have joined forces to create an engaging series of bite-sized lunchtime presentations, based on themes and topics encountered by students on the WIT 3 year Honours Bachelor of Arts course. These are on a host of topics from books, transcription of letters to breathing exercises – all are free and open to everyone. The series of four presentations will take place on Thursdays from 11 March – 1 April at 1:15pm to 1:45pm.

Lecturers Dr Kate McCarthy, Dr Christa de Brún, Dr Jenny O’Connor and Dr Úna Kealy will speak for 15 minutes and then engage with the online audience for a further 15 minutes as Q&A or interactive workshop. Kate McCarthy will begin with an interactive workshop to connect the mind and body through breath at a time when our encounters with the world are increasingly experienced through a screen.

This will be followed by an exploration of Donal Ryan’s The Spinning Heart and the Irish Psyche by Christa de Brún who will explore the intensity of small-town divides, and the weight of the recession on family life, nationalism, emigration, postcolonialism and Catholicism and all the aspects of Irish culture that shape Irish identity.

Jenny O’Connor will look at Han Kang’s The Vegetarian and its central theme of desire and Úna Kealy will finish the series with a presentation on transcribing letters from the 1930s using documents exchanged between Teresa Deevy to her friend and fellow playwright Jim Cheasty followed by a short workshop where participants will do some transcribing of their own.


The four events are free of charge but booking is essential.

Click Here to Book Now 


This series is part of the Irish Government’s Keep Well campaign which is aimed at showing people of all ages how we can mind our own wellbeing by adding a range of initiatives to support individual and community creativity in the arts, crafting, culture and heritage.

“The aim of the series is to create mini opportunities to think, talk and interact with some of the texts and topics that English and Theatre Studies students within the BA Arts Course (Hons) in WIT consider” says Dr Kealy. “It is always important to make connections and share knowledge and WIT is delighted to partner with Waterford Libraries and the Keep Well campaign”.


Full Lecture Series Programme: 


And…breathe: An interactive workshop to connect the mind and body through the breath. Facilitated by Dr. Kate McCarthy

Thursday 11 March   1:15pm – 1:45pm

Click Here to Book Your Ticket


The Spinning Heart and the Irish Psyche.
Facilitated by Dr. Christa de Brún.

Thursday 18 March   1:15pm – 1:45pm

Click Here to Book Your Ticket


Everything you always wanted to know about desire…in 15 minutes: Han Kang’s The Vegetarian.
Facilitated by Dr. Jenny O’Connor

Thursday 25 March   1:15pm – 1:45pm

Click Here to Book Your Ticket

Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances the event for Thursday 1st of April Reading other people’s letters: A workshop in transcription with the English and Theatre Studies Team from WIT is POSTPONED until a later date, we will reschedule soon. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Reading other people’s letters: A workshop in transcription.
Facilitated by Dr. Úna Kealy

Thursday 1 April      1:15pm – 1:45pm

Click Here to Book Your Ticket



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