Waterford Shipping Disaster 1917 – Exhibition

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Waterford Shipping Disaster

The Waterford Shipping Disaster 1917 resulted in the complete
loss of the crews and passengers of two ships, the SS Formby and the SS Coningbeg and had a death toll of 83 people.  This loss of life was the tragic outcome of the battle for the seas in the First World War.

The exhibition “Waterford Shipping Disaster 1917” is now on display at Waterford Central Library, Lady Lane until Saturday 6 January.

View and download the online exhibition here.


Find out more about the ships that were shipwrecked along the Waterford Coast during the First World War.

For further details about this display and online exhibition or if you have any family stories or information about a shipwreck of the First World War, please contact Waterford City and County Archivist at: archivist@waterfordcouncil.ie.


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