What Can I Do To Help Pollinators? – Resources

On Wednesday 23 March, Kate Chandler from the National Biodiversity Data Centre presented a talk on what we can do to help pollinators.

This talk was part of a week-long Climate Action series running from 21 – 26 March, organised by Europe Direct Waterford, Waterford Libraries and Waterford Council’s Environmental Department.

Across the island of Ireland, pollinators such as bees and hoverflies keep our crops and flowers growing. But they need our help: one third of our bee species are threatened with extinction because of the loss of habitats that give them food and shelter.

Fortunately, there are many simple actions we can all take to help them. This talk, led by the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan, gave information on what you can do – and what you should avoid doing – to help pollinators, whether you have a field, a small garden, or a single flowerpot.

Access the Presentation Slides from the talk here:

What Can I Do to Help Pollinators? – Presentation Slides


The All-Ireland Pollinator Plan

The All-Ireland Pollinator Plan 2021-2025 is a five-year roadmap that aims to help bees, other pollinating insects, and our wider biodiversity. It is coordinated by the National Biodiversity Data Centre which is a Heritage Council programme.

This is part of a week-long Climate Action series which will run from 21 – 26 March and is organised by Europe Direct Waterford, Waterford Libraries and Waterford Council’s Environmental Department.

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