Waterford Sports Partnership

Free Activator Pole Programmes – Book now!

Waterford Sports PartnershipComments Off on Free Activator Pole Programmes – Book now!

Six Week Activator Pole Programme – Waterford Sports Partnership  Activator Pole Walking is suitable for adults of different abilities. During these free programmes, explore...   Read More

Waterford Libraries Bealtaine Festival – Programme Highlights 2024

Bealtaine Festival is Ireland’s National Celebration of the Arts and Creativity as we age. The festival takes place each May and is coordinated by...   Read More

Activator Pole Walking Programme at Waterford Libraries

Waterford LibrariesWaterford Sports PartnershipComments Off on Activator Pole Walking Programme at Waterford Libraries

JOIN US FOR A SIX WEEK PROGRAMME! Activator Pole Walking is suitable for adults of different abilities. We will explore how Activator Poles can...   Read More

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