Decies No. 13 (XIII)

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(Waterford; Waterford Archaeological and Historical Society, 1980)


  • List of Members of the Old Waterford Society
  • Medieval Waterford – Parts II and III
    – II County Waterford in the Thirteenth Century – C.A. Empey
    – III The Government of the Municipality of Waterford in the Thirteenth Century – Eamonn McEneaney
  • The Social and Ecnomic Evolution of South Kilkenny in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries – L.M. Cullen
  • Life in Ring in the Nineteenth Century – Sylvester Murray
  • Veterinary Inspection at Waterford Port, 1876 to 1900 – M.N. Cassidy
  • Spring Programme of the Old Waterford Society

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