Decies No. 14 (XIV)

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(Waterford; Waterford Archaeological and Historical Society, 1980)


  • Agrarian unrest and the Labour Movement in County Waterford 1917-1923 – Emmet O’Connor
  • An Introduction to an Irish/Provencal Poet: William Charles Bonaparte-Wyse – Eileen Holt
  • Life and Work in an Irish Mining Camp c. 1840: Knockmahon Copper Mines in County Waterford – “Decie”
  • A checklist of Church of Ireland Places of Worship in County Waterford – John Mulholland
  • The Early Years of the Fanning Institution – Anna Wigham
  • Medieval Waterford, parts V & VI:
    – V. The Knights Templars and their houses in South East Ireland – Tom Nolan
    – VI. Calendar of Documents relating to Gaultire, c. 1250-1350 – Feardorchadh Funnell
  • Pictorial Decoration on East Waterford Tombstones – Julian C. Walton
  • Summer Programme of the Old Waterford Society

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