Decies No. 18 (XVIII)

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(Waterford; Waterford Archaeological and Historical Society, 1981)


  • Editorial
  • Schools in connection with the Kildare Place Society in County Waterford, 1817-1840 – Thomas
  • Power
  • The Barkers of Waterford – H.F. Morris
  • From the Memoirs of Richard Rorke – “Decie”
  • Wills relating to Waterford, II (Jennings’ Will Abstracts) – Julian C. Walton
  • In pursuit of Seafaring Ancestors – Frank P. Murphy
  • A County Waterford Explorer – Irene M. Spry
  • The Townland of Callaghane in 1821
  • Monumental Inscriptions from Stradbally R.C. Church and Faha Chapel-of-ease, Co. Waterford, up to 1880 – J.H. Mulholland
  • Reviews
  • An Early Christian Grave-Slab at Mothel – Conleth Manning
  • O.W.S. Programme June – September 1981

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