Decies No. 20 (XX)

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(Waterford; Waterford Archaeological and Historical Society, 1982)


  • Editorial
  • The Holy Ghost Friary, Waterford: An Architectural Account – Ian W.J. Lumley
  • Bronze-age copper-mines at Dane’s Island – Des Cowman
  • Some Notes on Waterford Maps and Plans – J.S. Carroll
  • Electoral Polictics in Waterford in Early 19th Century – Donal McCartney
  • Wills relating to Waterford: IV Unpublished Jennings Abstracts: The “Waterford Wills” Series,
    Index of Testators: (2) L-Z – Julian C. Walton
  • A 19th Century French Traveller’s Visit to Waterford (Part II) – Eileen Holt
  • Genealogical Enquiries
  • Items of Local Historical Interest
  • Old Waterford Society – Summer Programme

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