Decies No. 28 (XXVIII)

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(Waterford; Waterford Archaeological and Historical Society, 1984)


  • Archaeological Excavation abroad & at home
  • From the Naval Chronicle Vol. I, 1799 – Paul M. Kerrigan
  • The Ogham Stones at Drumlohan, reconsidered – E.M. Kirwan
  • The coming of the Celts – Benedict O’Sullivan, O.P.
  • The Waterford City Tramway – Albert Thornton
  • Waterford Harbour Commissioners’ Records – Anthony J. Brophy
  • The Old Order Changeth – St. Paul’s, Ardmore – Siobhan Lincoln
  • Bally Lough Archaeological Project – Marek Zvelebil & Stanton W. Green
  • Some Charitable Institutions of Old Waterford – Richard Lahert
  • Membership of O.W.S.
  • O.W.S. Programme

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