Decies No. 3

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(Waterford; Waterford Archaeological and Historical Society, October 1976)


  • Editorial
  • Carrickcastle and Seafield, Co. Waterford  by H. Gallwey
  • Irish in Waterford; Smuggling; Dunhill
  • Waterford Baker’s Societies 1822-89 by J. Swift
  • Waterford Merchants and Bordeaux by B. McHenry
  • In search of Donncha (part II) by T. O’Regan
  • Reports of Summer Outings ’76 (Bunmahon; Clonmines & Bannow; Licketstown)
  • Christ Church Cathedral by J. Chambers
  • Friary, Holy Ghost House and French Church by Fr. Ignatius
  • The Fulachta Fiadha of Ferrybank by J. O’Meara
  • Arising from Decies 1 & 2 (from J.S. Carroll, Colm Power, J. Whittle, J. Mulholland, K. Laffan, Fr. Ignatius)
  • Nickey Whittle and the 1918 bye-election by J. Whittle
  • Cromwell’s Plantation Measure by J. S. Carroll
  • Old Waterford Society – Programme: Autumn / Winter 1976-77

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