Decies No. 4 (IV)

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(Waterford; Waterford Archaeological and Historical Society, February 1977)


  • Editorial. Notice
  • “Waterford’s Quaker Community 1650-1800, Part 1”, by Emily Bennis
  • “The Light of Other Days – 1727”, by Tom Ryan
  • “Carabhats & Seanbheists: Factions in Waterford, 1805-1815”, by Sylvester Murray
  • “A South Kilkenny Mill”, by K.Laffan
  • “Folklore of Licketstown”, from the late Edward Walsh
  • “The Walls and Defences of Waterford – Part 1”, by JS.Carroll
  • “Notes on Burials in the Frcnch Church – Part 1”, by Julian C. Walton
  • “Willie Redmond and the Irish Free State, Part 1”, by Brian A. Reynolds
  • “County Waterford landowners, 100 years ago” by John Mulholland
  • Spring Programme of the Old Waterford Society

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