Decies No. 6 (VI)

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(Waterford; Waterford Archaeological and Historical Society, 1977)


  • A checklist of the Castles of Waterford – Julian C. Walton
  • Eighteenth Century St. Patrick’s and the Jesuits – Billy Bourke
  • Waterford ships and shipping in the 19th Century (Part I) – J.S. Carroll
  • Court of Enquiry into the wrecking of the “Moresby” – John M. Young
  • A brief history of Blackfriars – Ian W.G. Lumley
  • Sources for the study of trade in the 18th and 19th Century – John Mannion
  • Richard Boyle’s Ironworks in County Waterford – Thomas Power
  • Winter ’77 Programme of Old Waterford Society

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