Decies No. 8 (VIII)

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(Waterford; Waterford Archaeological and Historical Society, 1978)


  • Report of Annual General Meeting
  • Waterford in the Jacobite War – H. Murtagh
  • Monster Meeting in Ballybricken, July 1843
  • Augustinian Foundations in the South East – T.C. Butler
  • Records of Waterford Boat Club – A. Brophy
  • Arising from previous issues. Questions (Boyle’s Iron Works; Castles in Waterford; etc.)
  • Waterford and the records in the P.R.O. – K. Hannigan
  • A request from the Deputy Keeper of the Public Record Office

Supplement: The Village of Kill

  • Maps
  • Introduction. Pre-17th Century
  • 17th Century “Kill”
  • 18th Century “Kills”
  • Kill? 1800-’40
  • Kill, 1841-1901
  • Summary of Census. Note on Format.
  • Conclusions
  • Programme of Old Waterford Society – May, ’78 to January, ’79

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