Europe Direct Soapbox 2021

This year the Annual Europe Direct Soapbox Public Speaking Competition will once again take place online.
To be in with a chance to win a great prize, and represent your region in the national competition, all you have to do is record a three minute video for or against the soapbox topic:
“Lies, damned lies and statistics”
-establishing the truth is impossible in today’s world of misinformation, disinformation and propaganda.
The winning videos will be submitted to represent their region at the national competition where there will be a substantial prize.

Please note:
• Entrants are invited to deliver a three minute speech for or against the topic on video “Lies, damned lies and statistics” – establishing the truth is impossible in today’s world of misinformation, disinformation and propaganda.
• Contestants will compete in one of two categories: Ages 16 & under OR Ages 17 & over.
• A winner from each category will be selected to win a Regional prize of an iPad. Mini.
• The winning entries will then be submitted to the National final with a chance to win an even bigger prize!
• To Enter: Please read the Europe Direct Rules on the link at the end of this post. Then e-mail your entry form to:
o (16 and under category)
o (17 and over category)
• Please note we cannot accept entries without first having received your e-mailed entry form
• Please note that Videos must be saved in MP4 format (I-phones and Android automatically save to this format)
• Please transfer videos via WeTransfer or Dropbox using the relevant email address for the category you enter. (Please do not e-mail videos to us)

All entries must be received by 4pm on Thursday 18th of November.

If you have any questions please contact your Waterford Europe Direct Information Centre or call us on 0761 10 2975

Soapbox RulesEurope Direct Soapbox Rules 2021

Application Formeurope direct soapbox application 2021

Check ListEurope Direct Soapbox Checklist 2021

Good Luck everyone!

Testimonial from Jen Harris who won the19 and over Regional competition and went on to win the19 and over National competition in 2020. “I participated in last year’s (2020) Soapbox Competition because I was moved to talk about what we were feeling with Covid and lockdowns, to be able to discuss what might be some positive takeaways from Covid was important to me. I was lucky enough not only to be favoured by the Waterford judges but went on to win the national over 19 category. Participating in this event game me an opportunity to share my thoughts and to look forward to a post-Covid world. I also won some great prizes.”

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