The EU in My Region – Celebration of Europe Day at Central Library

May 9, 2019 to May 9, 2019 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Europe DayCelebrate Europe Day 2019 at the Central Library

Celebrate Europe Day 2019 at Central Library Lady Lane this Thursday 9 May at 11:00am with the Waterford Europe Direct Information Centre and the Southern Regional Assembly. The event will launch an exhibition on how EU membership benefits Waterford.

The Mayor of Waterford City & County Council, Cllr. Declan Doocey, will lead the celebration with special guest, the Cathaoirleach of the Southern Regional Assembly, Cllr. Jason Murphy, with music by the Bealtaine Choir and refreshments afterwards.

Europe Day is held on 9th May to celebrate peace and unity across Europe. It marks the anniversary of when the European Coal and Steel Community, the predecessor of the EU, was proposed by Robert Schuman in 1950.

The Waterford Europe Direct Information Centre and the Southern Regional Assembly both have roles in European affairs.

The Europe Direct Information Centre, based at Central Library, Lady Lane is a service which helps the public find answers to questions about the European Union. It offers information on all sorts of subjects related to the EU including your rights and opportunities as an EU citizen. It can provide direct responses to general inquiries and, if you have more detailed questions, signpost you to the best sources of information and advice at EU, national, regional and local levels.

The Southern Regional Assembly, located on O’Connell Street, manages the Southern & Eastern Regional Programme 2014-20 which sees €500 million co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund to support a variety of benefits for the region. Most notably for Waterford, the current programme co-funded the regeneration of the Apple Market and the previous programme co-funded the revitalisation of the Waterford Crystal Centre. The Assembly also has a role in a wide variety of Interreg programmes and projects that benefit Waterford.

For further information contact Siobhan Rudden at the Assembly on 051 860700 or Sinead O’Higgins at the Europe Direct Information Centre on 0761 10 2975.

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