Waterford Inner City Parent and Toddler Group

February 16, 2021 10:30AM - 11:30AM

Waterford Inner City Parent and Toddler Group Online (via zoom)

Providing a relaxed and fun online environment for parents/grandparents/carers and children from birth up to four years old.

When: Tuesday Mornings

Where: Online (via Zoom)

Time: 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Come along and enjoy some fun/play workshops with your child as well as the opportunity to connect with other parents in the community and keep up to date with topics of interest.

Contact Mags on 089 2027218 or email mags@stbrigidsfcc.ie for more information or to register for the Zoom session on any given week (numbers are limited)

The session for Tuesday 16th will be a Storytime and Nursery Rhyme singalong with Breda from Central Library, there will also be a chat about the importance of Self Care for Parents by Mags from St. Brigid’s

This is a joint initiative of St. Brigid’s Family and Community Centre and Waterford City and County Council Central Library.





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