Announcement of Major Investment in ICT, Digital Services & Facilities in Public Libraries

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digital servicesMinister Ring approves major investment of almost €8 million for ICT capacity, digital services and facilities in public libraries.

The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Michael Ring TD, has approved a major investment package for digital services and facilities in public libraries. The almost €8 million investment comprises of approximately €6 million from Minister Ring’s Department and a further €2 million contribution from Local Authorities.

Announcing the funding, Minister Ring said: “This investment will enhance ICT infrastructure, create new meeting spaces with state of the art technology and provide dedicated digital learning suites. The new facilities and services will attract new users of all ages to our public libraries”.

The funding includes the provision of:

  • iPads/tablets/smart devices for users and for staff to assist users
  • Computers and workstations including image deployment technology
  • Software to support design, gaming and coding
  • Meeting space technology
  • Podcasting equipment and workstations
  • “Dementia Tables” which facilitate play and learning for people with mild to severe dementia as well as those with intellectual disabilities, learning difficulties and autism
  • Mobile LCD screens with audio
  • Interactive whiteboards
  • Digital training suites

Minister Ring continued: “I launched the new public library strategy Our Public Libraries 2022 – Inspiring, Connecting and Empowering Communities in May. The strategy seeks to establish the library as not only a community hub but also an important enabler of digital services and facilitator of digital skills development. This significant investment is the first step towards realising this aim.”

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