Fees & Charges

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From the 1st of January 2019, library members will not have to pay fines for overdue items and no existing fines will be collected.

Members will continue to receive reminders and overdue emails to prompt them to return items to the library and are asked to please return items on or before their due date to allow them to be borrowed by other library users.

Reminder emails are sent as follows:

  • 3 Days Before Due Date
  • 1 Day after Due Date
  • 3 Weeks after Due Date
  • 9 Weeks after Due Date – Item now considered lost, card borrowing privileges blocked.

If a member does not either return an item or contact a library staff member to discuss an overdue item before they receive a third reminder, their card will be blocked from taking out or renewing any further items. Borrowing privileges cannot be restored until either the overdue item is returned, or the member has made contact with a library staff member to discuss the matter.

Fees for lost or damaged adult items will be charged and these will be shown as a balance on a library account. There will be no replacement charge for children’s items which have been lost or damaged.

© 2018 Waterford City & County Council Library Service.