Collecting Waterford Memories

Diverse Waterford Oral History ProjectComments Off on Collecting Waterford Memories

Collecting Waterford Memories – Find out more about Waterford Council’s Oral History Project run by Waterford Libraries and Archives.

Booking essential as places limited. Reserve your FREE place:

As part of Waterford City & County Council’s Diverse Waterford Oral History Project, we are inviting Council staff and community groups interested in oral history to attend two short workshops on Friday 11 December with Dr. Tomás Mac Conmara, Oral Historian and Author.

Workshop 1: Collecting Waterford Memories – 10:30am – 11am (20minute presentation plus 10mins discussion Q&A)

Join Dr. Tomás Mac Conmara who will explain the Diverse Waterford project including:

Background and aims
– Diverse Waterford Methodology – What it offers
– How it supports oral history collection
– Benefit to public in Waterford
– Supporting Waterford public strategies

11am – 11:15am Break

Workshop 2: ‘After I press record’ – 11:15am – 12noon

– Research and Preparation
– Ethics and concerns
– Technical considerations
– Interview skills and dynamics
– How do I know if I am doing it right?

Both workshops will be interactive and will allow time for discussion and questions. This is your chance to be part of collecting Waterford’s history.

For more information contact Sinead O’Higgins, Waterford Libraries at or Joanne Rothwell, Waterford City & County Archive

Diverse Waterford Oral History Project aims to establish best practice in Waterford Council in the collection and storage of Oral History. This project is run by Waterford Archives and Waterford Libraries and funded by Creative Waterford.

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