Posts tagged: Work Matters at the Library

Expand your Horizons

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Discover more about education and training options, volunteering in Waterford and how your local library can help.   Tuesday 24th May: Brown’s Road Library...   Read More

Break the Bias – International Women’s Day 2022

Europe Direct WaterfordEventsInternational Women's DayWork Matters at the LibraryComments Off on Break the Bias – International Women’s Day 2022

Break the Bias – Waterford’s 3rd Global Women’s Conference to mark International Women’s Day is organised by Europe Direct Waterford, Waterford Integration Services and...   Read More

Choose to Challenge for International Women’s Day 2021

Do you Choose To Challenge this International Women’s Day? Waterford Integration Services, Europe Direct Waterford and Waterford Libraries are coming together online to host...   Read More

Getting A Job – Presentations in Waterford Libraries

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Work Matters at Waterford Libraries are hosting presentations on what local libraries have to help with job searching this summer. The presentations hosted by...   Read More

Social Media for Business – Free Workshop

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Waterford Local Enterprise Office and Work Matters at Waterford Libraries have come together to organise a Free Social Media Workshop. This practical workshop for...   Read More

Start Your Own Business Boot Camp

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Do you have an innovative business idea? If so we invite you to pitch for a free place on our upcoming expert led Start...   Read More

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